Educational Benefits of Minecraft for Kids?


The popularity of Video Games has been growing rapidly in this digital era, especially among youth and adults. One of the most popular video games is Minecraft, an Online Multiplayer Game (MOG).

Video Games such as Minecraft, a digital sandbox and pixilated video game that allows users to create and manipulate simulated worlds, enable individuals to have full control over creating and modifying these worlds in intentional ways.

The creator of Minecraft, Mojang, LLC, describes the video game as about laying blocks and building structures to create wonderful, imaginative things together or alone (Mojang, n.d.).

The Three-Dimensional (3D) Lego-like environment and Block-Based Mechanics in Minecraft make it an ideal workspace for students to learn mathematical principles and test their ideas, Area and perimeter, patterns, ratios, and coordinates all come to life when they're laid out spatially and can be manipulated with a click. Learning with a game that students know and love also keeps them engaged and energized.